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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please take Action!...

Please take Action!...

This is what the 'NIKE' company did ......'NIKE' company wrote the name of 'ALLAH' on the shoes & from the back so no one will notice this .....tolong la berhati2 ye pastikan semasa nk choose pape pn kene check double check lg bagus...same2 la kite berhati2 dalam segala hal


fatinhakimah said...

mmg mcm2 cara org kafir ni nak jatuhkan Islam...
harus bhati2 ye kalo nak bli produk western, kdg2 tu secara halus je dorang dah tpu kite..
eg: ingredients dlm mknn yg kononnya b'asaskan sumber smulejadi tp proses nak buat tu dah dcampur arak!!
smoge Allah lindungi kite semua insyaAllah ;)

nusk said...

yes batul tu cik fatin..